Walking the Way - a reason for hope?

I posted this on Facebook:
In all the years of being involved in the URC, the emerging "Walking the Way" culture shift for the denomination is the first time ever that we have actually felt

We are family, actually

"I wish you were dead, Dad." That's how the story starts. Boy wants Dad dead so that he gains instant access to his inheritance. And you probably know what comes next.

Son goes on a spending spree, runs out of funds, and comes home grovelling with

God is not like a father

Jesus does not say that God is like a father.

And that's helpful, because too many people have bad experiences of their fathers. So for them, saying God is like a father would just carry too much unhelpful baggage.

In fact, if we say

Outside the Comfort Zone

It's amazing stuff. Jesus spoke to people about God reigning over their lives as King. He freed them from the influence of evil spirits. He touched their lives with the healing power of God, making them whole again.

And if we could leave it there, we'd all be happy and

What Would Jesus Do?

It's a good question, but it makes a big assumption. How do I know what Jesus would do unless I know what Jesus did do?

That's why I'm encouraging people to read through Mark's Gospel between now and Easter. It's short, action packed, and based